Procedural FAQs
Why should I spay/neuter my pet?
There are many benefits to spaying or neutering, both for you, your pet and the community overall. Neutering can reduce spraying or marking in males, especially if done earlier in life. It can also reduce the urge in males to seek out females in heat, which reduces the chance of your pet running away or getting hit by a car. Spaying and neutering can also lead to a longer, healthier life because your pet will be less likely to develop testicular and mammary tumors, prostate disease and pyometra, a deadly infection of the uterus.
Spaying and neutering is also the best and most effective way to end pet homelessness. There are too many pets born in the United States and not enough homes willing or able to take them all in. These dogs and cats either end up homeless living on the street, or in area shelters that may lack the resources to care for the sheer volume of animals that need their help. By spaying and neutering you are part of the solution to ending pet homelessness and making sure every pet born can find a loving home.
Who performs the surgeries?
All surgical procedures are performed by graduate veterinarians, licensed by the state of Colorado.
Our primary veterinarian and medical director have extensive experience in spay and neuter and oversee all veterinarians and medical staff.
Why are your prices less than my vets'?
SpayToday is a non-profit organization with the goal of making basic veterinarian care accessible to all pet owners in the Denver Metro area. Our focus is more limited than a general veterinary practice. We offer spay/neuter services, vaccines and microchips only.
With a highly skilled and efficient staff, we are able to perform high-quality, high volume surgery daily and most of our patients are under anesthesia for a much shorter time than in a general practice setting. Because our services are limited, we encourage you to seek pre-surgical blood work from your primary vet prior to your appointment date.
Do I have to have my pet tattooed?
Yes, if you don’t want the tattoo, you will have to go elsewhere for the spay/neuter surgery.
The purpose of the tattoo is to provide positive identification that the pet has been surgically altered. This will help prevent unnecessary surgery in the future if the pet should ever find its way into the shelter system.
Pain Management FAQs
What kind of anesthesia is used?
Cats receive an injection of a combination of anesthetic, tranquilizer and pain medication, females receive an endotracheal (breathing) tube and gas anesthetic until the surgery has been completed. Males receive only the injection but the surgery is completed while the anesthetic effect of this injection is in full force.
Dogs receive a preanesthetic injection of tranquilizer and pain medication then another injection to make them sleepy enough to place an endotracheal tube. They are maintained on gas anesthetic until the surgery has been completed.
Rabbits receive an injection of tranquilizer and pain medication then are given gas anesthesia via a special breathing tube made for rabbits called a V-gel. Rabbits may also receive an IV catheter.
How do I tell if my dog is in pain?
Acute Dog Pain Scale (from Colorado State University) Click here.
How do I tell if my cat is in pain?
Acute Cat Pain Scale (from Colorado State University) Click here.
Post-Procedure Expectations/Info
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(303) 984-7729
- Open from 7am – 5pm
- Sunday & Monday – Closed
- Holidays – Closed
SpayToday is a 5013-C and all donations are tax deductible.